Yes i know new years was two weeks ago, but hey better late than never right? After having a wonderful first Xmas with Logan we had a lovely new years playing board games and having a generally fun filled night with friends.
Unfortunately for Logan when we got home the next day the poor little man had a tummy/fever bug thing.He spent the next three days refusing to let us dress him as he was too hot and not wanting to be anywhere but my arms. Poor thing, and to top it off once he was over the bug we realised he had FOUR teeth cutting. So not a fun start to the year in this house.
Now I'm not one for making new years resolutions, because i feel they're usually things that are trivial like "i wont eat as much chocolate" or "go to the gym more" You know, things that we say we'll do and just pt it off till next week, and suddenly its new years all over again and those resolutions we made never happened. Theres more chocolate than ever in the cupboards, and as for that gym membership well you cancelled that didn't you?
No this year I didn't make a resolution like that, nope not me, no sir. This year I'm going to learn to drive! Now don't look at me like that. I know what your thinking... "23 and can't drive? what are you.." I know I know, i should have learnt years ago! Well i left England just a month after i was 17 and didn't really have time to learn then. Once here in NZ i realised people start to learn at 15! So yes I could have started to learn then, and I'm not even really sure why i didn't learn... other than my usual excuse of "Well I did have Bumblebee for two years, so at least I know the road rules." Bumblebee is the name i gave my awesome little yellow 50cc scooter that i drove around for 2007 and half of 2008. I sold it last year as i just haven't been able to ride it since July 2008. There's just something about loosing your father to a motorbike accident that just makes it too painful.
He and I used to go out on his Harley when i was a kid and I loved it, it really was the only time that Dad was ever really a Daddy to me. Otherwise i used to think of him as "the dick i happen to be related too" Now don't get me wrong I love my Dad very much, he just wasn't very good at being a Dad.
So the time has come to learn to drive a car. One day I'll go back to motorbike i know (don't think I'll ever lose the passion for my Harley's!) So my lovely fiance has started to teach me. I reckon I'm doing pretty well so far. I'm not stalling...too much :P
So happy new year everybody and here's to resolutions that we actually keep!!